Coupons are codes that you can enter at checkout to get discounts on your order. You can find coupons on Steep and Cheap's website, email newsletter, social media, or partner sites. Some coupons may have expiration dates, minimum order amounts, or other restrictions, so make sure to read the terms and conditions before using them.
Deals are special offers that Steep and Cheap features on its website for a limited time. You can find deals on various categories, brands, and products, such as clothing, footwear, accessories, gear, and more. Deals can save you up to 80% off the original price, but they may sell out quickly, so act fast if you see something you like.
Discounts are price reductions that Steep and Cheap applies to certain products or orders. You can get discounts by using coupons, joining the loyalty program, referring a friend, or shopping during sales events. Discounts can vary depending on the product, order, or promotion, so check the details before placing your order.
Promotions are marketing campaigns that Steep and Cheap runs to attract new customers or reward existing customers. You can find promotions on Steep and Cheap's website, email newsletter, social media, or partner sites. Some examples of promotions are contests, giveaways, free shipping, or free gifts.
Vouchers are prepaid credits that you can use to purchase products or services from Steep and Cheap. You can buy vouchers on Steep and Cheap's website or receive them as gifts from Steep and Cheap or its partners. You can also redeem vouchers for cash or other rewards. To use a voucher, enter the code at checkout and the amount will be deducted from your order total.