Skyscanner Hotels is a travel search engine that helps you find and compare hotel options from various providers. Skyscanner does not take bookings or payments, but redirects you to the hotel provider's site where you can complete your booking and see the available coupons, deals, discounts, promotions, or vouchers. Skyscanner may also show you some offers from the hotel providers on its website, but these are subject to availability and terms and conditions of the hotel providers. You will need to check the details of the offers before booking and contact the hotel provider directly if you have any questions or issues.
You can find coupons, deals, discounts, promotions, or vouchers from Skyscanner Hotels by using the filters on the search results page. You can filter by price, star rating, guest rating, location, amenities, and more. You can also sort by popularity, price, deals, or distance. Some hotel providers may display a badge or a label on their hotel option to indicate that they have a special offer, such as 'save 20%', 'free cancellation', or 'book now, pay later'. You can click on the hotel option to see more details about the offer and the terms and conditions.
You can use the coupons, deals, discounts, promotions, or vouchers from Skyscanner Hotels by following the instructions on the hotel provider's site. Skyscanner does not take bookings or payments, but redirects you to the hotel provider's site where you can complete your booking and apply the offer. You may need to enter a promo code, select a specific rate, or meet certain criteria to qualify for the offer. You will also need to check the validity, exclusions, and restrictions of the offer before booking.
You can cancel or modify your booking from Skyscanner Hotels by contacting the hotel provider that you booked with. Skyscanner is a travel search engine that helps you find hotel options but does not take bookings or payments. You will need to contact the hotel provider directly to check their cancellation or modification policy and request a refund or a change if applicable. You can find their contact details on your booking confirmation email or on Skyscanner's website.
You can get customer support for your booking from Skyscanner Hotels by contacting the hotel provider that you booked with. Skyscanner does not offer customer support for hotel bookings, but redirects you to the hotel provider's site where you can complete your booking and get assistance. You will need to contact the hotel provider directly for any questions or issues related to your booking. They have all your booking details and can help you better. You can find their customer service contact number, email address, and other ways to get in touch in your booking confirmation email or on Skyscanner's website.