You can find the latest coupons, promo codes, and discounts for Maytag on RetailMeNot. You can also check out the promotions page on the Maytag website for more offers and savings.
To use the coupons on the Maytag website, you need to enter them in the promo code box at the checkout page and click apply. Some coupons may have specific terms and conditions, such as minimum purchase amount, expiration date, or product exclusions. Please read the coupon details carefully before using them.
Yes, Maytag offers free delivery on orders over $399. You can also use the promo code INSTALL23 for free installation and haul-away on major appliances over $1,000. These offers are valid for a limited time only, so hurry and place your order today.
Yes, Maytag offers rebates on select appliances and products in your area. You can visit the rebate center on the Maytag website to find available rebates and submit your claim online. You will need to provide your purchase receipt and model number to complete the rebate process.
You can sign up for the Maytag email newsletter to get exclusive offers, tips, and news delivered to your inbox. You can also follow Maytag on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to stay updated on the latest products, promotions, and events.
Some popular products of Maytag are washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and ranges.
To use these codes on the website, you need to enter them in the promo code box at the checkout page and click apply.
Yes, there are some shipping discounts available. You can get free shipping on orders over $399 or use the code SHIPFREE to get $25 off shipping on any order.