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Magzter is the world's largest digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers from over 5,000 publishers. Magzter allows you to read unlimited digital magazines, newspapers and premium stories on any device, anytime and anywhere. You can access Magzter's website [1] or download their app from the Microsoft Store [2] to start your free trial. Magzter also offers coupons, discounts, promo codes, vouchers and deals that you can use to save money and enjoy reading. Magzter is the best choice for magazine and newspaper lovers.
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- email: You can send an email to the address of Magzter: [email protected]
- phone: You can call the customer service number of Magzter: +1 866 978 8273
- branch: Magzter Inc., 3rd Floor, Building No. 2, CommerZone, Samrat Ashok Path, Off Airport Road, Yerwada, Pune - 411006, India
- chat support: You can access the online chat service from the Magzter website or from the Magzter mobile app
- headquarters: Magzter Inc., One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10020, USA
Magzter is the world's largest digital newsstand with over 13,000 magazines and newspapers from more than 4,000 publishers. You can read your favorite magazines and newspapers anytime, anywhere, on any device with Magzter. You can also access premium stories, curated by Magzter's editorial team, across various topics such as business, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, and more.
You can save money on your Magzter subscription by using coupon codes, promo codes, and discount codes that are available on various websites and platforms. Some of the websites that offer Magzter coupons and deals are Slickdeals, USA TODAY Coupons, DontPayFull, and CouponDunia. You can also check out the Offers page on Magzter's website to find the latest offers and discounts on magazine and newspaper subscriptions, Magzter GOLD, and bundles.
Magzter GOLD is a subscription plan that gives you unlimited access to over 8,000 magazines, newspapers, and premium stories on Magzter. You can read as many magazines and newspapers as you want, download them for offline reading, and share them with up to four family members. Magzter GOLD also gives you access to exclusive features such as Smart Reading, which lets you read only the articles you are interested in, and Magzter Radio, which lets you listen to audio summaries of articles.
Yes, Magzter offers a student discount of 50% off on Magzter GOLD subscription. To avail the student discount, you need to verify your identity with Student Beans, a platform that provides student discounts and deals. Once verified, you will receive a unique coupon code that you can use to get the discount.
You can cancel your Magzter subscription at any time by following these steps: 1. Log in to your Magzter account on the website or app. 2. Go to My Account and click on Manage Subscriptions. 3. Click on Cancel Subscription and confirm your cancellation. You will receive an email confirmation of your cancellation. Note: If you have subscribed to Magzter through a third-party platform such as iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon, you need to cancel your subscription through that platform.
Some of the popular magazines on Magzter are TV Guide Magazine, Reader's Digest US, Newsweek US, ELLE US, Country Living, Prevention US, Men's Health US, Women's Health US, Harper's BAZAAR US, GQ US, Vanity Fair US, and many more. You can browse the categories and genres of magazines on Magzter's website or app.
The answer is the same as the previous question. Please refer to the answer above.
The subscription cost after the discount depends on the type and duration of the subscription plan you choose. For example, you can save up to 90% off on bundles and best deals, up to 75% off on newspapers and magazine subscriptions, or up to 60% off on Magzter Gold subscription. You can also use coupon codes to get additional discounts on your subscription. You can find the latest coupon codes and offers on various websites such as Slickdeals, Savings.com, Zoutons, and Couponswala.
Yes, there is a student discount available for Magzter. Students can get a 50% off on Magzter Gold subscription, which gives them unlimited access to over 8,000 magazines, newspapers, and premium stories. To avail the student discount, students need to verify their identity with Student Beans, a platform that provides student discounts and deals. Once verified, students will receive a unique coupon code that they can use to get the discount.